into aether (the trinity key trilogy book 1)

into aether (the trinity key trilogy book 1)


Colorado teen Theodora (Theo) will do anything to find her missing mom, including travel into the hidden and mysterious Victorian subculture of Aether. She takes a ride with airship pirates to a floating island full of strange automatons and even stranger people.

After a century-old feud reignites, she uncovers the alarming truth about her family's past. Finding her mother is more important than ever.

Our Review

Everyone should read this book!

Colorado teen Theodora, Theo for short, will do anything to find her mum, including travel to the hidden and mysterious Victorian subculture of Aether. Her mum claimed she was going away for a conference and would be back in time for Theo’s birthday a week later but she failed to turn up. When Theo decides to talk to one of her mother’s colleagues she discovers her mother had phoned in sick the week before and they had no knowledge of a conference. Whilst Theo is looking for her mum she has to deal with strange dreams and a stranger in a top-hat who seems to be stalking her. During the course of her investigation into her mums disappearance Theo ends up heading to the Aetherland.

The Aetherland is a mysterious and intriguing place full of little eccentricities. I found myself wishing I could visit It and I would recommend this book just for the chapters set there let alone the rest of this brilliant book.

I liked that the opening line of this book leaves you in no doubt as to what is going on, “Mom, where are you?”

I found the characters to be engaging on the whole. I found all the characters intriguing and well-thought-out. The characters are part of what makes the book the brilliant read it is.

The protagonist, Theo, has changed since the death of her father. She has let her grades slide and has started dressing like “an industrial emo.” Theo is a bit of a loner at school and has gained some notoriety putting one of the schools sporting heroes out of action before a big game because he tried to touch her.

One of my favourite characters was Auntie Grace. Theo describes her as having “a nervous nature” and as living her life through books. The latter is something that has often been said about me and her job title sounds ideal, I would love to be an archivist of rare literature and have access to lots of books.

Two of the major twists in this book I had an inkling about before they occurred but it didn’t ruin the book for me, in fact it was irrelevant because I was so fascinated by this book. I will without fail be reading the next book in this series.

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Our Rating

  • Currently 5/5

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