ADHD and Me

ADHD and Me


The author tells the tale of a young girl called Mallory who is struggling to cope with her ADHD and the troubles that are sometimes associated with it for both children, parents and teachers. Despite the difficulties she faces this book is primarily one about love and understanding.

Our Review

This is the third book I have read by Chelsea Radojcic so I knew to expect it to be well written and I wasn’t disappointed.

This review is an unusual one for me as I don’t normally review children’s books but that is only because I rarely have the opportunity to read them.

The language in the book is simple enough for children to understand but not so simple that parents or teachers reading the story will become bored. Additionally, the pictures contained within are beautiful.

The book begins with the following lines: My name is Mallory, I’m 8 years old, and I have ADHD.

The author tells the tale of a young girl called Mallory who is struggling to cope with her ADHD and the troubles that are sometimes associated with it for both children, parents and teachers. Despite the difficulties she faces this book is primarily one about love and understanding.

I would recommend this book as a teaching aid for those looking to explain ADHD to a child, I would also recommend it in general for those just wanting a good story.

This is an encouraging read that shows it is ok to be different. 

Our Final Rating...

Our Rating

  • Currently 5/5

Read & Shared 66 Times.

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