The Labyrinth of the Spirits

The Labyrinth of the Spirits


As a child, Daniel Sempere discovered among the passageways of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books an extraordinary novel that would change the course of his life. Now Daniel runs the Sempere & Sons bookshop but the mystery surrounding the death of his mother continues to plagues him still despite a seemingly happy life.

When Daniel believes he is close to solving this enigma, he will learn knowledge of the conspiracy comes at a terrible price.

Our Review

I hadn’t read any of the other books in this series, but I will be remedying that as soon as possible because I loved The Labyrinth of the Spirits.

The Labyrinth of the Spirits is set in Franco era Spain where our heroine Alicia Gris begins an investigation into the murky history of the regime.

With the help of a policeman, a besotted suitor and a bookish family Alicia uncovers a massive conspiracy that those involved would do anything to keep secret. Anything.

Alicia is a typical anti-hero, sort of a vampiric Alice in Wonderland on first appearances. In reality, she is a compassionate but deeply troubled young woman suffering with both the physical and mental scars of the savage bombing of Barcelona in 1938.

Alicia is an investigator in Spain’s secret police service, a job she is desperately wanting to escape before it is too late. Reluctantly she agrees to take on one last case for her shadowy boss Leandro. The case of the disappearance of Spain’s culture minister.

Carlos Ruis Zafòn has created a masterpiece in The Labyrinth of Spirits that is both a love letter to Barcelona and to books.

I felt like I had been reading this book forever, partly because I was so invested in how it turns out but also because on my kindle it seemed like a really long book. When I first began it told me I would take ten hours to read it and I am a quick reader. I think it may have taken me longer in the end, but I feel like not one word was wasted.

When I first requested the book for review I was unaware The Labyrinth of the Spirits even belonged to a series, but I didn’t find it a hinderance that I hadn’t read the other books.

Each character in the book contributed to it and I loved them all, but I think my favourite was Fermin. Fermin is eccentric, intelligent, crude, kind and witty.

In the beginning of the book Fermin and Daniel are trying to write a story and to decide how to start it.

‘What if we begin with the story of how you met her?’ I asked.

‘Met who?’

‘Who do you think? Our Alice in the Wonderland of Barcelona.’

The Labyrinth of the Spirits was intricate, lyrical and beautifully written. It is the kind of book you want to read over and over.

Our Final Rating...

Our Rating

  • Currently 5/5

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