


Frontline is the first book in a series charting the rise of a prominent British medical family in the twentieth century. From wars to a pandemic, the discovery of penicillin to the birth of the NHS, successive generations of the Burnett family are at the vanguard of life-saving developments in medicine.

Frontline is the story of an aristocrat's daughter who joins the war effort as a nurse. In a field hospital in rural France she meets Will, a dockworker's son serving as a stretcher-bearer. As rumours of an armistice begin to circulate, so too does a mysterious respiratory illness that soldiers are referring to as the 'Spanish flu'.

Our Review

Frontline by Dr Hilary Jones is the first book in a series on a prominent medical family in the twentieth century.

Frontline charts the romance between an aristocrat's daughter who joins the frontline as a nurse and a dock-worker's son working as a stretcher-bearer. The story takes place among the backdrop of the war but as rumours of armistice circulate so too does the deadly 'Spanish flu.' 

This charming love story actually packs quite a punch because the author doesn't shy away from the harsh realities faced by those on the frontline. 

"She would go back and she world struggle to cope with what she saw, but she would, and later she would return and the tree would still be there, having grown another ring or two below the surface of the bark. That was how to think of it.She would be there, changed a little below the surface, but ready to endure."

If you enjoy reading historical novels about war but want something a little more unique then this is a good choice. The focus is heavily on the nurses and stretcher bearers, on the medical aspecs of war such as amputations, shellshock and then obviously the Spanish Flu. 


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