7 Things To Remember When Writing A Short Story

7 Things To Remember When Writing A Short Story

Short stories can be a great way to hone your writing skills and style. Here is a simple check list of must have's for writing a successful short story.

1) A unique concept:

Most ideas have been used at some point in other short stories in one form or another. The key point, is that you think you can make it work for you, write about it from a new perspective, or that you can improve on the underlying concept. This will give you a good advantage.

2) A well rounded character:

Characters are what keeps the reader involved and what they will remember long after they have finished reading it. A good character has to evoke some kind of emotion in the reader even if it is one of dislike or hate.

3) A convincing setting:

Depictions of the location should not be over-long, the reader needs to be able to see what you see but also to adapt it using there own imagination. The key point to remember is that the reader should be doing some of the work themselves, after all that is part of the fun.

4) Captivating beginning:

The first page of a short story is the most important page, if your first page is full or poorly written it is likely that many people will read on.

5) Conflict:

Almost all stories require a conflict of some kind, if a book is smooth sailing then the reader will become bored and most likely will not remember much of what they have read.

6) Suspense:

Build your story, throw in some twists and turns. Don't make it too easy and predictable, this will build suspense.

7) Satisfactory ending:

This doesn't necessarily mean answering all the readers questions. You should not, however, leave the reader without any answers at all. Try to wrap up key plots unless you specifically wish them to remain unanswered.

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